Make Those Post-School Hours Easier—and Healthier—With These Teas
Once back-to-school kicks into gear, which for many K-12 kids happens in August, mornings lose their laid-back luster. Wake-up alarms ring again, often before dawn. Kids get their grumpy on. Parents make breakfasts, pack lunches and send their charges forth into the school zone. Sometimes, that means driving the kids to their campuses, too.
While the children learn the alphabet, sit through middle school American history lectures and try to grasp calculus, many parents enter their own busy zone—work. That might mean billing hours for the firm, laying plumbing in office buildings or managing a household. For most, it doesn’t mean hanging out in bed sipping Champagne and nibbling chocolate truffles.
And then the kids return home. At first, at least, the reunion with home might revolve around relaxation—in other words, flopping on couches or beds and staring at devices. It also hinges on food and drink. They open and slam cabinet doors. Scarf down cookies. Crunch their way through bags of chips. Pour themselves drinks.
Parents? They’re gearing up for making dinner, and getting ready to slip into their roles as homework enforcers. And for them, there’s precious little down time. Between managing children in mornings and evenings and engaging with work all day, they’re lucky if they can squeeze in half an hour of TV or reading before turning out the lights.
Tea softens post-school zone
Let’s add a little ease to the weekly tunnel of busyness, and brew tea. Instead of letting them gulp down unhealthy sodas or energy drinks, pivot their attention toward the sheer deliciousness we expand upon below. And to make those post-school hours just a bit easier—especially when it’s warm outside—consider cold brewing these teas. When the kids get home, all they’ve got to do is open the fridge and commence filling glasses with tea excellence.
The trio of teas featured come packed with bright, kid-friendly flavors. And they’re healthy, too.
Back-to-School Teas: Cape Town Medley
Those kids will return home thirsty! And while most cool beverages will work in a pinch, some simply work better than others. Our Cape Town Medley serves as a thirst-quenching superstar. Why? Rooibos! Foliage from this South African shrub gets brewed into a tantalizing tea—South Africans in droves have been sipping it for centuries. And one of its many advantages, beyond flavor, is its density of electrolytes, which are minerals the body uses to function well. That includes electrolytes’ ability to satisfy thirst.
But this beauty’s benefits extend far beyond health. It also tastes fantastic. The rooibos itself broadcasts, warm, rich, earthy tones. Layered on top of that comes pomegranate, pomelo and orange—as well as carrot and safflower, for color.
Get those kids hydrated! And thrill them at the same time with this special South African treat.
Back-to-School Teas: Pink Flamingo
Let’s face it—most brewed tea doesn’t offer much in the way of visual ravishments. It can be pale yellow or green. It can register a broad range of browns. With the exception of vivid matcha, the colors appear muted and dull.
This does not describe all tea, however. Consider our Pink Flamingo. The name describes this tea’s color. Bright pink—just like flamingos.
And just as the famous birds give off whimsical, fun-loving vibes, so does sipping this tea. With pomegranate, hibiscus, pineapple, apple, rosehip, dragonfruit, orange and yogurt crunch, Pink Flamingo ranks as one of our most kid-friendly teas—an uplifting melange of bold, tropical flavors. Downright beachy!
Back-to-School Teas: Peaches & Cream
By the time school starts, farmers will still be harvesting peaches from orchard trees—at least in Colorado. And they’ll continue plucking fruit scrumptiousness from trees well into September. So it’s time to align beverage and seasonal fruit—with our spectacular Peaches & Cream tea. And once peach season ends, there’s even more reason to reach for this wonderful tea—kids will miss that peach flavor!
One of the clever moves on the part of this blend is incorporation of milk oolong into the formula. Our milk oolong—one of our most popular iterations of oolong—gets shellacked in a non-dairy creamer before being packaged. The veneer lends a luscious creaminess to the tea. And when combined with peaches, the result is a classic pairing: peaches and cream. This tea also contains mango, peach blossoms, calendula and sunflower to decorate the flavor with even more powerful diversity. We can tell you from experience—kids adore this tea.